
Kevin Durant

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chapter 3 - "The News"

What Is the News?
~ The News is an account of events that interest aned concern the public.

List and Describe the Six Criteria That Is Newsworthiness
  1. Unusualness - The diifferent, the unusual, the out-of-the ordinary, but the unusual is more often found in bad news. An example is a plane crashing into a building.
  2. Significance - Important events, ones that affect many people are news. Some examples are taxes, elections, was, scientific discoveries.
  3. Timeliness - People want to hear about what is happening now, not what happened a month ago. An example would be floods or other natural disasters.
  4. Proximity - People want to know about near by events. An example would be problems in local school, local sports, new state law, regional highway.
  5. Prominence - News on well-known people are more interesting then reporting the same news on an average joe. An example is the Tiger Woods Saga.
  6. Human Interest - A story with emotional and personal appeal that draws our attention. An example would be heart warming stories or dramatic heart wrenching stories.

What are the five differences between print journalism and broadcast Journalism

  1. Newspapers provide fuller coverage of more stories.
  2. Readers act as their own editors.
  3. Easier to store print.
  4. Readers get to pick and choose what they want to read.
  5. Broadcast provides more drama.

Articles With News Criteria

  1. Unusualness - Man Trapped in Corn Bin
  2. Significance - Dow Tumbles 200 Points
  3. Timeliness - Super Bowl Preview
  4. Proximity - Lottery Funds New Stadium For Vikes?
  5. Prominence - Brittany Murphy Death Ruled An Accident
  6. Human Interest - Troops Reunited With Families

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